Sunday, October 28, 2012

We are still here

   It has been awhile since I have blogged but we certainly haven't disappeared. My laptop isn't working and I find it difficult to type on Lukas' iPad for lengthy writing, but I am giving it a shot today.

  I am going to be starting a different blog. I am not going to erase this one, but I feel the URL does not accurately describe where we are anymore. We are at a point of acceptance. No, scratch that. We are at a point of embracing autism. Before our diagnosis and after it for a short time autism was a dirty word. Not so anymore. Yes, I still have anxiety. Most of it is related to the fact that our country hasn't caught on that 1 in 88 children born annually are now autistic and 1 in 54 boys. I don't say this to frighten. My son is not scary. I say this because adequate services and schooling are not available to help these kids be the best that they can be. That so many kids,including mine, go without scientifically proven therapies because insurance companies do not cover the treatment. It's just not fair or moral that society turns a blind eye to us. No parent should have to feel the guilt that there are things out there that could help their child, but that they are limited to children who have wealthy parents. Yes, there is an autism school near us. What help is it to us when it is 2,500 dollars a month?

   I am not whining. I am mad. It isn't right. I am mad that millions upon millions goes into research while very little money is used to help the kids and adults who are here. What can I do? Try to let the world know what is going on. Cast my vote for a president who cares about autism and has acknowledged the autism community. The lines are clearly drawn.

   What else can I do? Take each day at a time. Be thankful for the services we do have and our team of professionals who genuinely "get it" and love Lukas. What do I think is the most Important ingredient for Lukas' happiness? Love and acceptance. Fortunately, we have plenty of that and it's free.

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