Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Let those freak flags fly

    I'm finding out more and more where I stand in the whole autism community. So, as you know, Michael, Lukas and I are going to be taking place in a walk with Autism Speaks. I got my flyers, paperwork and all that jazz in the mail today and it pissed me off. I open the booklet and it has different stories from mother's about their kid's autism. They were just sob stories saying things like, "Autism robbed my son of a childhood." and so on and so forth. I looked up at Michael with tears in my eyes and said, "Promise me we will never be one of these parents" and he assured me we won't.

   The "Neurodiversity Movement" really hits home with me. Basically, it was created by autistic adults to advocate for themselves. They don't want to be changed. They embrace their differences and are even proud of them. A great paper I read is here:

"While the actual term ‘neurodiversity’ was not seen in print until 1997, The neurodiversity movement is often thought to have begun with a speech made by Jim Sinclair at the 1993 International Conference on Autism at Toronto, called ‘Don’t Mourn for Us.’ In this speech, Sinclair asked the parents of autistic children to try to understand that ‘Autism is a way of being. It is pervasive; it colors every experience, every sensation, perception, thought, emotion and encounter. It is not possible to separate the person from the autism’ (Sinclair, 1993). He further asks them to understand that what it is they feel they have lost, when they speak of ‘losing a child’ to autism, is not the actual child him/herself but the idea they had of what that child would be like, what kind of relationship and experiences they would have with the child. The parents of an autistic child, he says, have not lost a child, but an illusion. They must mourn the passing of the illusion and then accept the child on his/her own terms (Sinclair, 1993)."

This above is spot on and Sinclair is autisic himself. I am not going to mourn for the illusion of a child who never existed. Lukas is autistic. It is part of him and that's just fine with me. I want him to get therapies because I know that he learns differently and honestly, he enjoys it. His childhood is NOT lost. His life wasn't taken away from him. He's sitting here alive and thriving. Yeah, he has his quirks and can be difficult and other people may not understand him, but oh well. I'm all for raising awareness, but I am not for "curing" my son because there is nothing to be cured!

We will still have family vacations, Christmas mornings, hikes, school, and those awesome days like today where we are all together making snickerdoodles and eating homemade potato soup for dinner. Well, Lukas had pancakes for dinner, but oh well. I don't want him to retreat too far into his own world, but am I gonna stop him from doing every little odd behavior like lining things up because it's strange? Hell no.

How in the world do these parents make it through the years with so much sadness in their hearts for their children? Sorry, but I want a positive and happy life. So, in this house, we will continue to let our freak flags fly. I've always been good at that anyway.


  1. I love this. I'm so thankful Lukas has the parents he has. I wish more parents were like you guys. Every child and every person is "different". Lukas is perfect! He's just as perfect as any other child out there.

  2. The problem is that we are a society filled with people that are not allowed to have their feelings hurt. So, when life, mother nature or God ( call it what you will) hands us an "Extra Value Meal of Suck" we get our feelings hurt. This, in turn, becomes a "pitty me" party. You can't expect it to be about anything else, because it is all about "ME". I thank all the things out there with "i" before the product. For whatever reason it has become o.k. for parents of Autistic children, children with other disorders or kids with discipline problems to be shipped off somewhere because it's "to Hard to deal with". Children with Autism are not robbed of anything......they are given something extra. For the true Christians, you know that you got a blessing. That's what all children are!

  3. We are def. a society all about "me me me". In this family, we are one and when the world gives us a suckerpunch, we get back up!

  4. Jim Sinclair doesn't represent me as someone on the spectrum. The anti-cure crowd isn't just usual autistic adults who don't want to "change" and desperately want to be liked/accepted. They are a small faction of predominantly very high-aptitude individuals who don't want the less abled autistics to become as well-off as they are, which cure would accomplish.

    I don't think it's proper for any parent who is content with their child's misfortune to assume that their child will be content with it too. Anyone who grows up naturally wants to have some success and not to have to depend on the kindness of others. Ego and pride are involved, and should not be shamed. If it's ok and justified for the revered successful, it's ok for anyone. Shaming others for "pity parties" is insensitive.

  5. So the plan on higher functioning autistics is that "they don't want the less abled autistics to become as well off as they are"? Sorry, don't buy that. That implies malice.

    Lurker, this is my personal blog and it deals with my personal feelings. I am doing everything I can in the area where we live to provide a proper foundation for Lukas. He is in ST, Play therapy, starting up school again, and starting OT. Also a friend of mine is also coming over to tutor/play/socialize with him.

    I am offended by you calling autism my child's "misfortune." How dare you?

    You may view my blog as insensitive, but the support I have got in online communities has just been a lot of parent's seeking out all the possible reasons and causes their child is different. So many of the parents are desparate for a "cure." Look, there isn't a cure, so am I gonna waste all my time pouring myself into that? No. I am interested in the present, ejoying my son as he is while getting him therapies, AND offering complete 100% acceptance.

    So in conclusion, piss off.

    1. You are talking of things that concern others too. Anti-cure activists don't speak for all autistics. Cure would be helpful for many, as the various impairments many on the spectrum have are hurtful to live with. Researchers are responsible for making a cure. You're not being asked to sacrifice your time for it. That doesn't mean you should try to undermine it.

    2. Anti-cure activists don't speak for all autistics and neither do I! Nor do you. This is a personal blog with my personal opinions related to our situation. My view is insignificant on a whole and I am sure I am in the minority anyway. I'm sorry you feel I am undermining research for a cure because I personally dont't think my son needs curing. I am a novice. Obviously being on the spectrum you bring a whole different view. I am not throwing your opinion away as it is valid, but it is not the only opinion out there. I'm sure I am ignorant on many issues and you have had serious struggles and I am sorry. I am not heartless. I know there are people out there much lower functioning then what Lukas is I am speaking from the view of a mother, not an individual with autism. I don't know how Lukas will progress. I want to be positive. I want to do all I can to make him a success, whatever success means to him and I know that I can't speak for him forever.He is his own individual and if he wanted to be cured that would be his own view. What I post is where I personally am at the moment. Anyway, thank you for giving me something to think about.

    3. Lurker, why do you want to be so negative about this whole thing? I don't understand. Bekki is not in any way shape or form trying to be negative or hurtful. I'm truly having a hard time understanding why you want to be labeled and why you are being so negative.
      My name is GRETCHYN! I don't need to hide what my name is.

    4. Because real negative things are occurring in my life and in the lives of others due to impairments. I didn't think that I had to remain silent regarding it to prevent you from becoming uncomfortable. I need evidence-based labels to explain why I have certain problems.

    5. Michael DeAntonio (the boy's dad)September 1, 2012 at 5:08 PM

      Lurker, considering you are so concerned with curing yourself of your autism, I’ll give you a free lesson on being “normal”. Normal folks don’t go to random blogs written by housewives about their children to debate medical research. That was an autistic move, dude. But with some more research I’m sure that one day you’ll be able to control your outbursts.

    6. Billy, I'm sorry. "Because real negative things are occurring in my life and in the lives of others due to impairments." This gets me and that sucks. I'm scared of those things for Lukas, trust me.

  6. If you are so offended by autism being called a "misfortune", why is your blog called "screw autism". That sure seems to have a negative connotation towards autism to me.

  7. Anonymous, when I first got the news that Lukas was autistic I was pissed and was looking for an outlet to vent. When I named the blog I wrote the first thing that came to mind.

    BUT I didn't mean it like "screw the disorder." I meant it more like "screw the label." I have come a long way since June 22.

    Let me ask you, since you feel the need to put your two cents in, how would you like me to behave? What view on autism would you like me to take? Since I am going at this all wrong, what do you suggest? Seriously, I am all ears.

    No matter what stance you take on a cure, it doesn't really change how Lukas is raised. I'm not stopping therapy and I am continuing to do the things that parents do for their children on the spectrum regardless of how they view autism. Will all of a sudden being desparate for a cure change things? Will seing my son as having the "misfortune" of autism make me a better mother? I don't see how it will change where we are. Will viewing our predicament as unfotunate help me to be a strong and positive force for Lukas? My answer to that is a BIG FAT NO.

    Look, all people are different. They view things different ways. Some moms are awesome crusaders and want a cure. Some of us think our kids are fine just the way they are. Some view it all as God's plan. You can find a blog with each viewpoint, so why not visit one of those that you agree with?

    1. You can view it however you want and that's fine. I just think its ridiculous to jump on someones case for saying its unfortunate he was born with Autism. You yourself just called it a "disorder", and "freak flags"? HOW DARE YOU!

      If you are fine with the fact that your son has autism and just consider it a part of who he is, which I agree with, than what is the point of this blog. My kid has blue eyes I don't have a blog called "screw blue eyes", and then yell at people for saying sorry your kid has blue eyes. I wish a happy life for you and your son I just don't care for the "victim" mentality especially when you yourself say nothing is wrong with your son. If nothing is wrong with him than start a new blog called "I'm happy with my son" and say something positive and enjoy your life.
      If this blog is, on the other hand, an outlet for you to vent about your sons autism. Then logic would suggest you are not happy with the fact that he has it, deeming it a misfortune. You can't get mad at everyone else for viewing it the same way you used to, especially when the damn blog is called "screw autism". And I don't even buy that you meant it as screw the label and not the disorder.
      Since you asked how I'd like you to behave, I'll answer. I'd like you to erase this blog and start a new one called I'm happy with my son and quit complaining.

    2. If my writing is so offensive then I do not understand for the life of me why you are here! Why read it? That just blows my mind. If you think I am whining, if you think I am am inconsistent by using the word disorder or celebrating being different with the term "freak flag", then don't come back! Man, is it that hard? I don't hang out with people I don't like or watch tv shows that annoy me, so why are you here? I'm a little housewife in rural NC. I'm sure you have bigger fish to fry then hashing it out with me.

      Let's just say you are right. All of what you say is right, ok? I'm wrong, offensive, my blog sucks, I whine, blah blah blah. You win. You've made your views abundantly clear, so now your duty is done. If I am so dreadful, please don't waste another minute on me.

    3. I find the subject interesting. What's the point of having a blog if you don't want people to read it. All in all I agree with most of it, I understand at first you were upset at the news of hearing your child was autistic, but now you are accepting of it. So if you are accepting and OK with it why the angry woman face and "screw autism". It seems like a lot of negativity to me which isn't good for anyone in my opinion. Disagreeing on some detail doesn't mean I find you dreadful as a person. It is meant to be constructive criticism. Nothing comes from conversation if all we do is agree with each other on everything. Disagreeing doesn't always have to end with piss off or fuck you.

    4. Lurker- I don't even know where you begin with you. I'm so annoyed right now it's not even funny. I'm truly not sure that you even read what you right!!! You are all over the place and trying to make points that quite frankly don't make sense and bite you in the behind.
      Ok....yes she did call it a disorder...your point? It is a disorder, but that doesn't mean by any means she wants her kid labeled and treated any differently than any other child on this Earth! There are many many many disorders in this world, but that doesn't mean they have to be broadcasted to everyone and their brother. "Hello my name is XYZ and I'm on medication for dyslexia" Umm, no it doesn't need to be that way AT ALL and that's her point. Yes he's autistic, but she's not going to treat him differently or let anyone else treat him differently b/c of it. If YOU like that, then you go for it, but that's not how she wants to raise her son and I personally applaude that!
      SCREW BLUE EYES/SCREW AUTISM....yes she was angry about the whole thing at first. I would say it was more out of fear and concern for her child more than it was autism itself. Through the time of finding out and now, she has learned so much more about autism and watched her son learn and grow and is angry with people and how they label and look at autistic people as FREAKS...hence, the freak flags fly. She is to the point where she doesn't give a crap what people decide to think of her son or any other people with autism. If they want to call them freaks, then so be it, but she loves him unconditionally and always will. I personally told her a long time ago that no matter what, I will love Lukas with all of my heart and soul. So he was diagnosed with something...wonderful! Guess what??!?! I bet we could all get diagnosed with something. You can moan and cry about whatever it is you want,but I'm over you man/woman. This woman isn't trying to be nasty or negative about a single thing. It seems to me that you want to be labeled. Like you want the attention. Why don't you just get a tattoo across you forehead that says I'M AUTISTIC! You wouldn't have to to waste the words telling people and if you want everyone to treat you differently b/c of it,then there you go, they can get started pittying you right off the bat. Again, if you want the label and people to treat you differently, then knock your socks off, but DON'T put this woman down b/c you have a chip on your shoulder!!!!!

    5. Anon and lurker are 2 different people so i think you might be confused about what argument you are making.

    6. Anon-I am fine with differing views if I don't feel like I am being attacked. I felt attacked today. You are more then welcome to comment and I welcome it if it is truly constructive critism and not bashing. I HAVE thought about changing the name of the blog. Would you believe me if I told you I don't even know how to change the background? lol. Someone else had to set this up for me. I DID choose the background and title. I have thought about changing the blog to just a family blog that of course includes Lukas, but isn't focused on merely autism. I'm glad that you see the progression because I think recently I have been far from negative.I'm fragile still, but not negative.

  8. Rachel, I saw your response on email, but I dont see it here yet, but I will still respond. I can tell we are the same age because of the salt an pepa quote! LOL. I said it to my mom today! I about fell out of my seat when I saw you say it. Anyway, you're right. I'm done responding on this blog. I truly respect Lurker's opinion after looking at his blog. He is real and not a troll and has valid, thought out points. I still don't like the word misfortune, but oh well. Anonymous probably is a follower of his (who knows?). Maybe I SHOULD change the blog name. It's not a new thought to me. Anyway, being sick has kept me too focused on this computer. I'm out =)
