Monday, October 1, 2012

Transition Meeting

  We had Lukas' transition meeting today. This was a meeting to discuss what services will be available to Lukas after he ages out of the Early Intervention program at age 3. It was short and sweet. Basically the options are as follows.

1. Lukas continues to go to his private preschool that we pay for in a regular class on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday he would go to the elementary school from 9 until 11 to be with a very small group of other special needs kids and receive the therapy they offer which would be Speech Therapy and Occupational therapy for Lukas, I believe. There is also a teacher certified in special education and it is done in a naturalistic play like setting. They would get to observe and work with him and help him with social interactions, etc.

2.  Lukas goes to Head Start 5 days a week and gets his services there. This is a 5 day a week preschool which is typically for low income families. We would have to sign a waiver and I guess pay for him to go.

3. We could keep Lukas in his private preschool and have therapists come into school to work with him if the school OKs it.

  Option one is what we are going to go with. I hope and pray that things continue to go well with Lukas at his preschool. So far, so good. There have been no behavioral issues and he loves going. I watched him through the window today and he bounced in (he likes to jump) and had a big smile on his face. In fact, other kids were crying, but not Lukas.

  I am also not ready for my child to go to school full time. Head Start just doesn't sound like an option to me. A few hours a day is OK, but I am not willing to send my three year old off to school full time. I want to enjoy these young years with Lukas and I think him being home with me is important. Michael and I are old fashioned in this sense. Before Lukas got his diagnosis I thought about the possibility of working more then I do now, but now we don't see this as an option. I have a very awesome little boy to take care of and working during the week honestly isn't an option if he is to get the therapies he needs. Lukas is my full time job=)

   Things continue to be well. As I said, school is great. Lukas loves his I-Pad. He has been less verbal recently, but he is starting to talk more again. He was sick and I have noticed that when he gets sick it takes him a few weeks to recharge. I don't worry about the decrease in language anymore because he has done this before.

   Oh! A cool thing Lukas did last night was try to feed his stuffed Thomas yogurt. At assessments they always ask about imaginative play. An example they give is pretending to feed a stuffed animal. Well, last night he did it. See, he can feed a stinking stuffed animal people! He just prefers to play with his Ipad and trains! So he plays differently then other kids? That's fine with me. He's still having a good time.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have everything under control girl!! I know Lukas will be fine with all this loving care.....hang in there...

