Monday, September 24, 2012

Hey you, get off of my cloud!

   What is it that possesses people to say such disgusting things on the Internet? I guess I know the answer. It's a place where you can be nameless, faceless, and let out all of those disgusting and terrible thoughts you have with no repercussions from society. You won't lose your job or your friends. The worst that will happen is that other nameless and faceless people will tell you that you are an asshole. In the real world, these people would be shunned, friendless, and best yet, they would be risking getting decked in the face or more on a daily basis.

   What sparks this is when I read comments from people on debates about autism. Some of the views out there are sickening. I won't even go into them because for one it will piss me off and and secondly, there is no point in further spreading of negativity.

  For me, happiness in a choice. I am not one of those people who was born lucky enough to have a bubbly disposition. In fact, sometimes those people freak me out. I have to work to remain happy so one of the things I am vowing to do is not read the comments on videos, blogs, etc. online. I'm telling you I can be feeling fine about the world and life and a person's opinion that I see as a personal attack on people like my son can totally change that mood.

  I don't think the Internet should be censored and I respect other people's opinions as long as the intent isn't to hurt others. That being said, I am planning on doing personal censoring. A friend of mine said to me once that she doesn't need to be reminded of all the terrible things in the world because she already knows. She doesn't need to be reminded. I don't live in Lala land. I'm probably more aware then most of the horrors out there, but to choose to be happy takes priority. My son relies on it. So to all the negative Nancy's out there, get off of my cloud.

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