Tuesday, January 1, 2013


   Happy New Year! I have to say that I am excited about 2013. I can feel that this is going to be a huge year for us. Michael and I argue every year about the importance of New Years. Michael always says it's just another day and he doesn't understand the big deal everyone makes. I always argue that the new beginning is symbolic and important. This year, he gets it. We both want to start fresh.

   As some may know, I have been eating healthy and following Weight Watchers. I have lost 21 lbs (ok, I gained back a lb this week when I ate badly on Christmas Eve and Christmas), but I am back in the game. Michael and I are starting the gym Jan. 15th and we are both devoted to good health. Michael of course wants to get buff and I want to get the rest of my extra weight off. This isn't  an idle resolution for either of us. I have already been working hard for quite some time and Michael has been eating all the good food I have been cooking and amazingly, loving it. I want us to be healthy for Lukas. I want to be here on this earth as long as I can with him and also set a good example.

   I also vow to continue with a positive outlook on autism. I may isolate myself by staying away from the curists, but that's fine. I love most everyone, but I will be picky about who I align myself with for my son's sake and also for mine. This year I will be more outspoken with people who push their views on me. Respectfully, of course, but I am my son's advocate and it's my job.

  We are going to get more spiritual in this house. This Sunday I am off and we are all going to Church. We work a lot of Sundays, but we will make it when we can.

   Politics? I'm not going to discuss them anymore! My views are a needle in the haystack in my community. All it does is divide us and most people are incapable of respectful and rational conversations on the subject and the same goes for religion. I refuse to any longer set fuel to that fire. The hate on both sides of the two party system is sick and THAT my friends, is the real downfall of our country.

  Yesterday I started my "Positive Journal" again. I am going to make sure I add at least one thing everyday and see where we are a year from now. Here is my first entry:

  • Requested "I-scream" for breakfast.
  • Kissed me when I asked
  • Excited about a show OTHER then Thomas
  • Said, "Ta" for tiger
  • "Ba" for body
  • Picked up triangle piece and said, "Tri"
  • Brought me a toy to turn on for him
  • Echoed "school" as clear as day
  • When I was cooking dinner, pointed at the stove and said, "hot"
  • Requested a bite of nuggets by saying, "chi" i.e chicken
  • Stomped in leaves and said "leaves"
  • While playing with an app on the ipad, repeated ground, oil, hill, sky, tree, and TRAIN TRACKS! Yes, it was a train app! LOL
As you can see, progress is being made! So excited for the year to come and all the amazing things to come! Love to all! XOXO


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