Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Fourth

  As most parent's of children with autism know, the fourth of July can be a day that is not fun or exciting. In fact, it can be downright hell for some. The reason being that there is a lot of sensory things going on that can be difficult for autistic people to deal with. The crowds, smells, and the change in routine is just the beginning. The fire works can be too much visually and the loud booms can seem deafening and painful to someone who is sensitive to noise.

  I have held off on taking Lukas to actually see fireworks. I figured he was too young and I didn't want him to be scared. Lukas is 3 this year and we would be able to view the fireworks by walking a short distance downtown. I really wanted to try it out with him because I had a feeling that he would handle them just fine. I figured if it didn't work out, we could make a mad dash home. I sat and watched the weather report and it was a horrible night for fireworks, but I held onto hope like a child that they were still going to happen.

  My neighbor friend Lori decided to come over with some sparklers to make up for the fireworks probably being canceled. I thought Lukas may have no interest, but it turned out he was thrilled by them. He jumped up and down and giggled and adored him. We ended up deciding to brave the weather and the three of us walked downtown to see if the show would go on. As we were waiting it began to POUR. We stood at the courthouse, pushed together like sardines with other people while the rain came down. Lori's husband was waiting nearby with his car to rescue us and take us home. We were about to dart when all of a sudden the fireworks started! BOOMBOOM! The moment of truth? Lukas didn't mind at all. He watched them while Lori held an umbrella over our head. When they were finished we dashed through the rain to a car waiting for us to take us home. We were soaked and I didn't care, Lukas didn't care, and I don't think Lori cared either.

  I am so proud of Lukas. I don't know if he will always handle the fireworks so well, but he sure did this year. Rain, chaos, people galore and he remained cool as a cucumber. This was a fourth of July that I will always remember.

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