Friday, July 13, 2012

Focusing on the Positive

   Today I got an email from an old friend who said she would be interested in hearing more about the "positive journal." So, today I am going to type out the first entry in the journal.

*  Pointed to kitchen this AM. I walked out with him and asked, "Do you want milk?" and he replied, "juice."

*  Last night in bath looking in my face. Pointed out my eyes, nose, and mouth. Pointed to my boob and said, "boob." (TMI? Get over it)

*  Picked up my cell and said, "Hello?" Said hello to Michael and Shellie on the phone for the first time.

*  Liked the public pool. Smiled, splashed water, and pointed to kids jumping off of the diving board.

*  At pool, walked up to a lady and when she looked down and smiled and said hello, he smiled back.

*  Smiling and laughing when he sees something funny on his TV shows.

*  Asked, "Do you want to hold Lily?" (One of the cats), and he turned around smiling with his arms out.

*  Says, "choo" when he wants to watch Thomas. I say, "can you say please?" and he says, "please."

* Saw a fountain on Dora. Pointed and said, "Water."

* Pulling down pants and pullups and throwing pullup in trash when told.

*  Showed him the faucet in the shower. He put his finger on it and said, "Faw" a few times.

*  Stomped his foot with me when I sang the song about stomping our feet.

*  Opened shower curtain and said, "Hi"

*  I did peek-a-boo. Although he won't imitate, he looks me in the eye and laughs. Pulls my hands from my face.

*  Gave me a kiss when I asked for one.

*  Ate something new for lunch (hallelujah!) and gave me a bite when he was done.

*  Did ring around the rosey with me and fell when I went down, too. Was laughing and so happy.

*  Likes to brush his teeth at the same time as me.

*  Hugged me spontaneously.

*  Velcroed his own shoes.

*  Went outside, picked up a rock and said, "rock."

*  Walked over to a bush, grabbed a leaf, and said "leaf."

*  When I asked where the tree was, he walked up, pointed and said, "tree."

*  He ran off in this yard, but listened today when I told him to stop. He tested his safety boundries by looking back at me to see my reaction.

*  Walked up to the flowers at the store and said, "Flow."

*  Said, "Hi" to a boy in the toy isle at the store.

*  Brought the Kindle to Daddy to turn it on for him.

*  Hugging Red, our dog.

*  When I was cooking dinner he sat at the dinner table and said, "eat."

*  Pointed to the faucet when I asked where it was. Remebered our "lesson" earlier.

   I know people who are not familiar with Autism will think, so what? Either that or they won't understand why some of these things are important. The guestures, the looking at facial responses, the ability to communicate wants or needs, whether they are verbal or not. So many kids "on the spectrum" strive to get this point where we are now. So many are lost in a void, almost unaware of the world around them. I really am not trying to comfort myself with people in worse situations, but trying to realize that things can be worse. Yes, they could be TONS better. If you have a kid who has no "issues" please try to be aware that there are kids out there who struggle with daily things. If your two year old has tried to say or has said, "I love you", I envy you. The day I hear those words the tears will be flowing uncontrollably. For now, the unexpected hug, the unexpected kiss or cuddle will suffice. My child speaks in a different way. It is a different language, but no less true or authentic.


  1. I think we had this conversation, but I remember the first time Charlie (he was over three years old) spontaneously said "Love you" back to me! It will come for Lukas too and it will be great! :)

  2. i love how you have made a point to pay close attention to all of these things, they are indeed very important for Lukas' development!

  3. Absolutely precious. Thank you for sharing Becky.

  4. Wonderful for Lukas! Great idea to make this journal. Really does put thugs into perspective. There Is always going to be a worse and better situation I think. This is true for all things. Glad you can be so rational. Keep remembering the positive.

  5. Don't know if you will see this or not because I have not figured out which profile to use....I Sounds like real progress to me Bekki and you write so well. Think about turning all this into a book someday......

    Gonna try to publish it as Anonymous. But it is me....

  6. I am so so glad you have utilized the "positive list"! :) Lukas is making Great progress! Keep up the great work and the positive attitude!
