Thursday, August 16, 2012


   We met with Lukas' new Speech Therapist today and have to say we really liked her and so did Lukas. I have to easy that I typically trust my gut instinct about people. Sometimes I am wrong, but she put off good vibes and seemed genuinely interested in Lukas as a person. Right now we are doing one time a week, but hopefully with some adjusting of her schedule, we will be doing 2x a week.

   Another weight was lifted off my chest today. Lukas started preschool last year down the street at the Methodist church. He loved school and I loved that he went and was around other kids. The school of course is not for kids who have special needs, but I spoke with the director and his teacher today and they welcomed him with open arms. His teacher is going to do some reading up on Autism and I told her I would get her some basic info as well as specific things that apply to Lukas. I don't anticipate any problem from him. Lukas is quite pleasant, but he can have his moments. I told them if there were ever any issue I could be there in 3 minutes. I had really been worried about this because last year Lukas enjoyed school so much and we liked the school so much. I couldn't bear the thought of him not being able to go. He will be with the "young" twos. I said I most certainly didn't want him in the older twos and threes class since he's definitely not ready.

   We are having some issues with Occupational Therapy. He is supposed to start but Early Intervention only has one provider and he is booked. I was referred to an outside provider who at this point is out of network for our insurance. I was told that the Autism diagnosis usually is denied by insurance for coverage and they would have to work with the coding to get it accepted. I need to contact the insurance company and find out what they will cover. I guess most insurance companies only have a certain amount of visits they will pay for, also. So the insurance nightmare begins. My son surely needs OT. He doesn't mimic gross motor movements usually, for instance. He has weak muscles in his mouth that cause chewing issues, drooling and probably have caused a lot of our feeding/food issues. I LOATH dealing with insurance and now I know that this will be an ongoing thing for us forever. Tis life.

   We are doing well. Glad that school is starting soon, that he's back in ST, getting his play therapy and hopefully OT soon. It makes me feel like we are making progress and Lukas will be getting the social opportunities he needs. I also can't forget that three days a week I will have THREE HOURS to myself. I can take a nap, I can go see friends (yeah, I actually have a couple lol), I can read, I can soak in the tub, I can paint my toes, I can clean without Lukas going behind me and destroying everything. Heaven, I tell you! I think it will do me good.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that you certainly do need some time for yourself, maybe work in a little romance when hubby is Everyone needs a break....

