Monday, September 3, 2012

A day in the life of Monk

   Following our day of sick and feeling mostly better, I decided yesterday that we needed to get the heck out of this house. I packed Lukas up into the car and we went hiking. Anyone who knows Lukas well knows this kid loves being outside. We first visited the Asheville Visitor's center. They had a stuffed bear inside and Lukas walked right up and said, "Bear." Words are music to my ears and he continues to label more and more all the time. When we got on the trail he was so thrilled he ran the whole time up until the last five minutes of our walk when he decided that 2.2 miles of straight running, especially for a two year old, is tough work. The last five minutes was me carrying a bag with our supplies and a 30 lb kid merrily drinking juice uphill. I guess he really knew I needed to step up my workout.

   We drove the hour home in torrential rain and he snoozed the whole time while I rocked out to The Eeels. When we got home and were pulling into the driveway, Lukas saw we were home and starting fussing. Lukas is never a fan of coming home. He likes action, so I said, "Do you want to go to Meemaw and PeePaws?" and the fussing stopped. This is followed by him saying, "GO!" Whenever the car is stopped Lukas yells, "go!" I love it.

   He had a great time at my parent's house, like always. He smiled right at PeePaw when we got inside and was adamant that my parents let their 65 lb dog out of his crate by continually unlocking it. He loves animals. How couldn't he with three dogs and three cats at home?

   After this we (Michael, Lukas and I) went to a cookout at my friend Angela's house. She has a pool and I should have planned on swimming, but I really didn't think Lukas would be that interested. He loves the beach but has always been pretty hesitant with pools. Not so this time. He wanted in so bad. There were loads of kids playing and splashing and this made him laugh. I let him put his feet in, but of course this made his yearning to swim even worse. I tell you, if I wasn't holding him, I'm sure he would have climbed right in. He also said a new word while there. He found some sidewalk chalk and said, "Chalk." The words keep coming. They are mostly labels, some requests, but I am sure he is up over 100 now. I need to try to count again. He has come so far since 18 months with one word.

  Then we came home and finished watching the Hunger Games. Good, but of course the book is better. Lukas fell asleep on the floor (odd for him) about 11:00. He's a night owl and I have learned to be flexible with his sleeping because he obviously needs less sleep then other kids and I have bigger battles to fight. When he adjusts to school starting Wednesday I am sure he will fall asleep earlier.

  So Sunday was an awesome day. Fall is coming and bringing beautiful weather with her. I plan on taking Lukas hiking frequently. I was thinking at least once a week. He's always loved it and I really think it is good for the soul. I guess I should get him some hiking boots,




1 comment:

  1. Firt I have to say, I love the new look! BEAUTIFUL! And your blog title is definitley unique. :)

    I'm so glad you guys had a great time hiking. He surely does love being outside. It will be so good for both of you to be outside more. Like you said, it's good for the soul. Madisyn and I have been out walking more and I feel so good inside and out during and after our walk.

    Over 100 words!?!?!? WOW!!!! I'm so excited for him and you guys, of course. It brough tears to my eyes reading about his accomplishments. I get so excited and happy for all of you when I hear about the new things he's saying and doing. Keep up the good work Lukas (and mommy and daddy too.) :) He will be talking up a storm before you know it.
