Wednesday, September 19, 2012

All is well

   We had an awesome day. Michael was off from work and I said we really needed to get out of this house and do something active. After Lukas got out of school we went to the North Carolina Arborteum. We walked through the gardens and did A LOT of hiking. Lukas had a ball! We got lost hiking though, and since obviously niether Michael nor I are good at reading maps, we did quite a bit more walking then was planned. I figured it out and we walked 10 miles. It wasn't that hard since it was easing hiking, but Lukas eventually couldn't go anymore so we had to carry him. That's when things got more difficult. We got a serious work out from that! You'd think he would fall asleep in the care after right? Nope! My energizer bunny is something else.

   Everything is great. Lukas is doing well in preschool and is the sweet little boy he always is. He's loving his I-Pad and amazes us everyday with what he can perform on it. It shocks me the puzzles he is able to put together on it. He's so very visual which is the opposite of me.

   There's nothing else really to report. All is well.

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